Blogging has given me a forum to structure my thoughts and to develop ideas and concepts. By interacting with others, I have moved forward in my thinking as their comments have pushed my reasoning further. It has made me question and most importantly made me formulate my ideas into comments and postings. By weekly going through the readings and reflecting on what has been said, has provided me with time to consolidate. I have used my blog more as reflection and a way to relate issues discussed into my everyday life, rather than as a way to rephrase noted and read research. The initial discomfort of using the blogging technique as a tool has now eased and my navigation around the ideas has become straightforward. Am I ready to take blogging into the classroom, you bet!
From personal perspective, I most certainly could have engaged and interacted more deeply in both my own postings and my comments to others. To engage in conversation on other blogs - and to go back and check for any answers- requires real connection. Even through no revolutionary issues were discussed - I probably became more passionate in the discussion boards regarding public versus private education, than how best to address texting in the classroom - the exposure to interact has given me a foundation that I now can continue to build on. This highlights the importance to make sure the issues that are discussed - and are expected to be discussed - on a school or class blog, has real meaning and relevance to the students.
Developing my on-line voice has been a learning curve, where the idea of just having-a-go even in such a public way has been the most useful learning experience. If starting a new blog now where would I begin? Well, clearly it would start slightly more professionally. For a personal blog, I would set it up more as a place to store your information, feeds and resources.
Will I continue to make personal, educational and professional postings?
Well, time will tell....